Monday, July 6, 2009

Chapter Two - The Marble King - Part III

This was a rainy and beautiful day in the northern kingdom of men. It was one of those spring showers that revitalized the land and the fragrances of flowers and trees filled the air. Here and there some open field shopper, or a traveller caught unaware in the rain, mumbled a few curses to their luck, but overall this spring rain was enjoyed by most.
Such was the case, even for King of Old Stanthas who was sitting on his throne as usual, uncaring for the diplomatic discussions and all the political fuss that took place in front of him. After all his place was only honorary, by his desire, and he long ago left his descendants to deal with such matters. The sudden rain that fell from the sky and sparkled on the perfect crystal ceiling of the Hall of Order, caught his imagination and took his thoughts many many years before, to a certain spring day, not unlike this one, when the tide of the Dragon War finally slashed against his kingdom. A sharp pain prick in his heart reminded him that this was long ago and he had made sure with his efforts and sacrifices that such a thing would not happen again… or had he?

Unlike other times of reminiscing, this small pain in his heart and thought remained, and a feeling of impeding doom begun to stir up inside him. He looked at the sky, and though no bad sign was apparent, his worries could not calm. On and on this feeling of doom grew in size and magnitude, and as a lightning sliced the sky and stroke hard on one of the palace towers, he stood up.

“Silence”, he cried out loud and clear, and everyone in the hall stood still and silent, waiting …petrified.
And then they all felt it; first a tremor and then a rumble that turned their hearts to stone and terrified them. Those that could control themselves somewhat turned their gaze to the Marble King, for hope, for guidance. He stood there, towering all, regal and strong as ever, but if anyone would have been close enough they would have seen the tears forming in his eyes.

Chapter Two - The Marble King - Part II

King of Old, Stanthas, was regarded by far as the most noble of men that ever walked the mortal lands. The people of his kingdom had a saying, “The marble king has a diamond heart”. All nations and races, at least those that do not serve the Darkness, hold him in the outmost respect. For the dwarves he is a hero equal to their own, and for the elves, he is the only human worth mentioning in their annals – of course they contribute his greatness to his teacher, who was of elven blood, but that’s expected of elves. Even the people of the far south have legends of him, and in their lore he is regarded with the same respect they pay to their lesser gods.

Stanthas never really enjoyed such attention. He always considered himself as a teacher and a caretaker of the needs of his people and the world, and if he was a great hero, he was only so because the events that transpired in the world put him in that place. True he was educated by one of the greatest elven scholars but for what he is, his mother played the most important role. She was a simple nurse in the town of Nenti, two weeks ride east of the capital and she met with his father when we has badly injured , in one of the campaigns to drive off the attacking orcs in the east. Ninmaria was loved by all people in that time, and her kindness of heart and manners enchanted everyone that was lucky enough to ever set eyes on her. She was the one that showed Stanthas that above all, what really matters is to love and care and though she died while he was still young, stricken by a strange sickness in the years that preceded the Dragon Wars, the large portion of her kind heart survived for ever in his.

Thus he grew to become what legends say of him, and through the teachings he received and the wisdom he acquired on the hard road that was laid before him he was forged stronger still. Even though he took his fathers place at a young age, after he died of grief for his wife’s loss, Stanthas, managed to withstand the catastrophe that befell the world. He lost his son in the late years of the Dragon War, he lost more than almost any other man could afford to lose, but still he held strong, for he knew, if not him, no one would find the way. With the wizard Anaton, his close friend and comrade, at his side, he fought over land and water and even in the air, the hordes of the enemies that were set to enslave the world under the commands of Kernos the dragon.